Giving Back During Covid-19

It’s easy to watch this pandemic play out on a global scale and feel helpless. But the reality is that no matter how bad things become, we still have the power to be giving back during Covid-19, and help those around us who need it.

Below are some ways that you can help. There are plenty of people locally, nationally, and around the world who can use some sense of relief in this time.

Suggestions for Giving Back During Covid-19

Starting with Friends and Family

Who do you know in your personal circle that could use a phone call or a video chat? Maybe there’s someone in your life who is in a high-risk category, such as an elderly parent or neighbor, or someone with a health complication. They’re likely feeling isolated if they’re still sheltering in place.

Giving back can literally be as simple as checking in with those who may still be having a tough time with everything going on right now.

Consider the Local Community

Maybe you could run some elderly people in the neighborhood some meals, or if you’re headed out for yourself, offer to do their shopping. This is a great way to help you reconciliate the idea that we’re all in this together. It can give you something to feel good about, and help to lower their anxiety and yours, at a time when we could all use a little peace and calm.

Make Donations 

There are any number of local or national organizations that could use your help during the pandemic. Hospitals and health-related organizations are at the forefront of the pandemic fight. Other charitable organizations such as homeless shelters, and various advocacy groups have been hit hard by the pandemic as well.

Giving Back During Covid-19 Helps You Remain Part of Something Larger 

It can feel isolating when the nature of what we’re fighting means that we must narrow our social circles. But there are ways to remain connected and to continue giving back during Covid-19. Even though social distancing, and self-quarantines can be part of the battle, we can still use this time to help people, and make a difference in others’ lives.




By |2020-08-25T06:45:26-05:00August 25th, 2020|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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